Two years ago, we at Team World Supporter, saw that the first amendment was under attack. We decided to act and protect the constitution. We began a daily count/tweet naming those that have been suspended wrongfully. On day number 152 we release a YouTube video exposing Twitter’s double standard. We have created a google form to make it easier to register being suspended/shadow-banned from social media.
Since then we have explored other apps that are trying to replace twitter, like Parler and CloutHub and others. While these apps are amazing, we feel that making another platform is like running away from the problem and not standing up to it. Problems need solutions and that’s what Team World Supporter is here for.
In the past year, we have begun to provide the fastest news in WhatsApp status and groups and a Telegram channel. We have also started our own website, so you can stay on top of what we are up to.
We will continue to fight for the first amendment, and when the first amendment is protected, we will move on to the second.
Yossi S